Monday 29 September 2014

Short Film Sequence

Reflective Analysis We shot a 26 second sequence consisting of 7 shots, the purpose of this was to show our understanding of different types of shots. It fits into the horror-comedy genre as it contains the common horror convention of a stalker as well as parody which is comedic. The narrative was very simplistic; I walked out of college and Luke was revealed to be watching me however after he followed me he just asked for the time instead of behaving like a creepy stalker. The horror element wasn’t very strong so it would probably certified a PG or 12, however the target audience would be teenagers the plot would appeal to them. Also teenagers tend to watch things featuring people around their age. The horror element could have been exaggerated if it had been dark or by me showing fear through facial expression. Suspense was created through a close-up tracking shot of Luke’s feet as he walked towards me as this concealed what else was going on. Another shot which built suspense was the extreme close-up of his eyes which we used to create an eyeline match with a long-shot of me turning to face the camera which built tension. This also introduced the stalker convention. This eyeline match was repeated in the final two over-the-shoulder shots.

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